Fortinet Expert's View: Cybersecurity Awareness webinar

Your employees are high value targets for threat actors. They may be targeted through a phishing email, tricked into a drive-by download online, or unknowingly let a bad actor into a facility. An untrained workforce can introduce serious risk.

The Fortinet Security Awareness and Training service delivers timely and current awareness training on today’s cybersecurity threats. It helps IT, security, and compliance leaders build a cyber-aware culture where employees recognize and avoid falling victim to cyberattacks.

During this webinar we will:

  • Delve into the pressing issue of the cybersecurity skills gap, exploring the current landscape, the costs associated with these gaps, and practical strategies to bridge them effectively.
  • Examine the findings around security awareness and training within organizations around the world, understand how AI plays a part, and learn how leaders are dealing with this challenge.

Date and time:

Wednesday 5th 

March | 2pm

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