Solving the SAP Security Gap through Application-aware Networking

SAP systems are the definition of mission-critical. If you were to ask a CISO where do they hide the crown jewels, where do they keep their most critical data – most likely the answer would be in their ERP system. ERP or Enterprise Resource Management systems from firms like SAP are used to manage financial data, production systems, customer management, sales results, inventory, new product development – they are in fact the definition of mission-critical in the modern enterprise. As a result, ERP systems require the highest level of attention to security. This session will look at the need for securing modern SAP systems – and what is necessary to accomplish that mission. We will discuss the key elements of ERP security, what parts of that security solution you can expect to get from SAP, and how the Fortinet Security Fabric can provide state-of-the-art security for your SAP Landscapes.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022
3:50 PM - 4:20 PM (SGT)
Alex Adallom