Johan Klykens joined the public service and more specifically the Belgian accreditation body, after working for 18 years in the private sector on compliance and quality assurance in the micro-electronics and medical field.
He was involved in supporting the Cybersecurity Centre Belgium (CCB) on accreditation matters during the transposition of the NIS Directive and the development of the Cybersecurity Act (CSA).
Johan Klykens joined the Cybersecurity Centre Belgium in June 2022 as the Director of the Certification Authority of the CCB. In this position he is responsible for the market surveillance of products, processes and services certified under the CSA Act and also represents the Belgian Authorities in the ECCG and participates to numerous ENISA working groups. He’s involved in the transposition of the NIS2 directive and responsible for the Cyberfundamentals Framework elaborated by the CCB.
At par with that, Johan Klykens is a qualified Assessor on the main Accreditation Standards for BELAC the Belgian Accreditation Body, and involved in Standardization as member of Belgian Standardization Mirror Groups on Cybersecurity.