Thursday, May 16, 2024
9:30 AM - 2:00 PM (CDT)
St. Louis, MO - Simplify SOC with Security Fabric Analytics and Automation
Participants who attend this workshop will learn how to:
• Understand the benefits of using FortiAnalyzer to simplify SOC operations
• Use playbooks to automate workflows and reduce the workload on the security team
• Use FortiGate event handlers to automate actions via automation stitches
• Work with analytics logs and generate custom reports
9:30 AM - Participants arrive and presentation begins
10:00 AM - Presentation ends, lab begins
12:30 PM -12:45 PM - Lunch arrives (this is a working lunch but due to the lab activity, participants are welcome to take their lunch and breaks whenever if need be)
2:00 PM - Wrap up and Q&A
Location: Marriott St Louis West 660 Maryville Centre Dr. St Louis, MO 63141