Wednesday, March 9, 2022
10:45 AM - 2:00 PM (EET)
HANDS-ON LAB - Advanced Email Security Solution With FortiMail

In this workshop, participants learn how FortiMail replaces incumbent secure email gateways with a product tailored for advanced threat defense, including Office 365 integration and Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) program. FortiMail email security shields users, and ultimately data, from a wide range of cyber threats. These include: ever growing volumes of unwanted spam, socially-engineered phishing and business email compromise, accelerating variants of ransomware and other malware, increasingly targeted attacks from adversaries of all kinds, and more. At the same time, FortiMail can be used to protect sensitive data of all types, reducing the risk of inadvertent loss and/ or non-compliance with regulations like HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, and more.

Klaidas Rimkus - Fortinet