Cathy Huang is the research director for IDC’s WW Security Services research practice. In her role, Cathy collaborates with other worldwide and regional analysts to develop a set of thought leadership and actionable research for IT buyers and suppliers. Specifically, she develops core research around managed security services, security consulting, and integration services within the program. She also incorporates IDC’s Future of Trust and other FoX agenda to drive new research such as cloud security services and secure edge services for the program. Ms. Huang brings a wealth of security and services expertise and knowledge to the position. She draws on her deep domain expertise across a broad range of ICT segments to support any custom or advisory work with regard to security services.
In her previous role, Cathy managed two successful Asia/Pacific Security & Services research CIS programs, with the most number of report downloads and CIS clients in the region. She has extensive experience working with a wide range of security services/IT vendors, and she has been driving new research areas such as threat life-cycle services, cloud security services, and professional security services with great client traction.
Cathy is based in Singapore, overcoming the time zone challenges to put forward her best work for the client and the team.