Nelson joined the National University of Singapore on 16 November 2013, and is currently the Head of Network Services in NUS IT.
Leading NUS’ IT Network Services, Nelson spearheads the development of the latest state-of-the-art, high performance and secure network technologies (such as software-defined networks, Wi-Fi 6 and 5G etc.). He also drives the delivery of all NUS network projects and manages the day to day campus network operations.
Nelson & his team have been instrumental in driving the implementation of the NUS Next-Generation Campus Network project, a key NUS IT strategic initiative that transforms NUS into a Borderless University. Through strategic and deliberate planning, design and building of technological architecture and solutions, the University is able to swiftly implement new business models, accelerate research discoveries and improve learning outcomes for students – anywhere, anytime.
Nelson has more than 20 years of ICT experience, mostly in the area of IT Infrastructure.