Automated SOC: Balance Artificial Intelligence with Human Expertise
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 10:25 AM - 10:45 AM
Anthony Giandomenico Max Zeumer

While security professionals continue to grow in skill and acumen, the volume and acceleration of attacks, coupled with the evolving threat landscape, far outpace any improvements to security, widening our gap in protection. Simply adding more people to the SOC is not a scalable solution, and doing more of the same will not solve this issue. Bad actors are already using AI and ML to their advantage and given that cyberattacks of the future are expected to occur in microseconds, the ability to react at machine speeds is crucial. During this session, you’ll learn how:

  • Applying AI assistive technologies helps to address human weaknesses and vulnerabilities
  • AI-driven security technologies have the potential to anticipate and counter attacks in real-time
  • Staff augmentation services can extend your team where human capabilities are still required
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