Michael Murphy - Fortinet
Steven Webb - Westlands Advisory
Dicky Wong - New World Development
John Mihalis - Essential Energy

As more OT systems get connected to the outside network, the once air-gapped networks are now exposed to cyber attacks. As a result, the industry sectors were seeing a surge in cyber breaches in 2022 as they embark on their Industry 4.0 journey. Based on a recent OT security survey in APAC, it was reported that 9 out of 10 organizations had experienced at least one intrusion last year. Although the maturity level of OT security differs across different industries, one certain thing is that reducing cyber risks is paramount in a Digital-First economy.
During the panel session, the panelists will discuss about best practices of OT security including
- How do organizations define their Industrial 4.0 strategies? Any changes in priorities before and after COVID-19?
- What are the various security considerations when outlining plans for Industrial 4.0?
- How do organizations streamline their processes and team to cover OT security when security was predominately focused only on the IT network previously?
Moderator - Eddy Lek, OT PMM, Asia
Panelist 1 - Steven Webb, Managing Partner, Westlands Advisory
Panelist 2 - Michael Murphy, Head of Infrastructure, Fortinet
Panelist 3 - Dicky Wong, Head of Technology Risks, New World Corporate Services Limited
Panelist 4 - John Mihalis, Principal Enterprise Security Architect, Essential Energy
Panelist 5 - TBC