The conclusion of the Security Symposium will include presentations as follows:
Connecting the Enterprise with 5G & AI
Derek Peterson, Chief Technology Officer, Boingo WIreless
Regulatory Risk: A Birdseye View
AJ Grotto, William J. Perry International Security Fellow, Stanford University
Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Kathryn Shih, Group Product Manager, Google Cloud
Navigating the Cybersecurity Insurance Market
Philip Kibler, Head of Cyber Risk Advisory Services, American International Group, Inc.
2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Edge Ecosystem
Theresa Lanowitz, Head of Cybersecurity Evangelism, AT&T Cybersecurity
Fortinet Executive Leadership Panel & Live Q&A
Ken Xie, Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Executive Officer
Michael Xie, Founder, President, and Chief Technology Officer
Keith Jensen, Chief Financial Officer
Patrice Perche, Chief Revenue Officer and EVP Support
John Maddison, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, Products
John Whittle, Executive Vice President, Corporate Development and Strategy Alliances, General Counsel
AJ Grotto, William J. Perry International Security Fellow, Stanford University
Philip Kibler, Head of Cyber Risk Advisory Services, American International Group, Inc.
Theresa Lanowitz, Head of Cybersecurity Evangelism, AT&T Cybersecurity
Ken Xie, Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Fortinet
Michael Xie, Founder, President, and CTO, Fortinet
John Maddison, Chief Marketing Officer and EVP of Products and Solutions, Fortinet
Keith Jensen, CFO, Fortinet
John Whittle, Chief Operating Officer, Fortinet