You're Invited

Join us for an interactive, fireside chat with FBI Special Agent Hunt as he shares his thoughts about the cybersecurity market and the challenges he sees.

The discussion will be hosted by Aamir Lakhani, Strategist Fortiguard Labs, who will draw on his experience in threat detection and investigations relating to the Internet’s dark security movement. 

Key discussion points:

  • Best Practices – personal and corporate
  • Threats – Ransomware and mail protection
  • The makeup of the Cyber Criminal Underworld
  • How to contact local law enforcement if needed


Lunch Is On Us

All attendees* will receive a $25 Grubhub certificate for attending this session.



Date:  Thursday, March 4, 2021

Time:  10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EST




*Fortinet employees, partners, and state and local government employees are not eligible.  Qualified attendees will only be able to receive in accordance to their organization's policies. 

**Audio and video recording of this session is strictly prohibited.

Supervisory Special Agent Hunt

Federal Bureau of Investigation


With over seventeen years of investigative experience, Mr. Hunt is currently a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) with the FBI in the Atlanta Field Office.  There he leads a team that conducts investigations in support of the FBI Cyber Division's mission to identify, pursue, and defeat adversaries.  SSA Hunt also served as a Program Manager at FBI Cyber Division Headquarters, and was assigned to Australia as a cyber Assistant Legal Attaché.  Prior to joining the FBI, he worked for twelve years in private industry.


Strategist Aamir Lakhani

Fortinet Fortiguard Labs


Mr. Lakhani is considered an industry leader for creating detailed security architectures within complex computing environments. His areas of expertise include cyber defense, mobile application threats, malware management, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) research, and investigations relating to the Internet’s dark security movement. He is the author or contributor of several books, and has appeared on FOX Business News, National Public Radio, and other media outlets as an expert on cybersecurity.   Writing under the pseudonym Dr. Chaos, Mr. Lakhani also operates the popular security social media blog which is hosted at 

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